ODDAS-LINUX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------- Author: Pete Buechler Last update: 21 October 2000 1) Download the latest release from the project page at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oddas/ 2) Find a nice directory and untar and unzip the file there. tar xvfz oddas-linux-x.x.tar.gz 3) Make sure that you have a set of tools that target your embedded processor. There are directions for building a set of cross-development tools at: http://www.objsw.com/CrossGCC/ I have prepared some packages for the i386 version of SuSE 6.4, targeting the i386 (sic) and the PowerPC. These are at ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/peterb. 4) If you are going to boot off a hard drive or compact flash, proceed to step 5. If you want the quick and easy turnaround that an NFS mounted root partition allows, proceed through the lettered substeps below. The NFS HOWTO is a good reference at this point, http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO.html. a. Make sure your host's kernel is compiled with NFS server support. b. Create a directory to be used as the root file system for the embedded target. In my example it is /embedded/aaeon for my Aaeon PCM-4335 board and /embedded/rpxlite for my Linux Planet PPC 823e system. These will later be used as the targets for the build script, "build_oddas_linux". They will be set in step 5. c. Update your /etc/hosts file or DNS to include the addresses of the embedded systems. For instance, I have the following lines in my /etc/hosts file: CX579290-B rpxlite aaeon You will also have to put these into the /etc/hosts file in the embedded system, see step 6f below. d. Ensure your inetd is setup to allow tftp and bootp. These programs should be on your system, plus they should be enabled in /etc/inetd.conf. I have the following two lines in my inetd.conf: tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd -c /tftpboot e. Create the /etc/boootptab file for bootpd. You will need to get the hardware address of your ethernet controller and put it in place of the ones that I have in the ha field in the example below. What you can do is continue to follow these directions up to the point where you boot up your kernel on your target with the support for your ethernet card. If all is well, it will tell you the hardware address when the driver detects the card. It will then fail, saying that it cannot mount its root file system. Come in and fix this file, restart the bootpd process and try again. Here is my file, as an example: .default:sa=host:hn:sm= rpxlite:ha=0010EC00109C:hd=/tftpboot:rp=/embedded/rpxlite:tc=.default aaeon:ha=003059002f53:hd=/tftpboot:rp=/embedded/aaeon:tc=.default f. Create or update /etc/exports to allow for NFS to export the file systems as root file systems. My entire exports file follows: # See exports(5) for a description. # This file contains a list of all directories exported to other computers. # It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd. /embedded/rpxlite rpxlite(rw,no_root_squash) /embedded/aaeon aaeon(rw,no_root_squash) g. Make sure that you have nfsd and mountd running. You will have to restart them if they were already running before you updated the configuration files above. 5) Edit the build configuration file, oddas.cfg. This is located at the root of the oddas-linux tree. You need to choose an architecture, a place to root the embedded system's file tree, a place where the build will take place, the name of the system that you will want any mail generated on the embedded system to be routed to, and whether the system supports console on a serial port or with a virtual terminal. A bit of explanation is in order for the fourth one. My theory is that the system running embedded Linux may be rarely logged into directly. It will just sit out there, taking care of business, without a lot of day to day care required. But if it does need something, mail should be generated. The mail is all forwarded to a mail hub, none of it stays on the embedded system. That way, you can be e-mailed about any problems that occur on the system. 6) Edit the configuration files that will be sitting in /etc on the embedded system. There are a lot of these, so I will break this point down further, giving each file a letter. I have attempted to put reasonable values in most of these, but there are some you will just HAVE to edit. I will mark each with what I perceive as the likelihood of their having to be changed. These will be found under the subdirectory "other_files". a. /etc/cron* - crontab probably OK for you, you will probably add scripts to the cron subdirectories. ODDAS-Linux comes with the Vixie cron daemon, but not the at daemon. I figured that if you really need at, you could fake it with cron. However, at is so small that I'll try to get it squeezed in for the next release. Any how, the system cron table in /etc/crontab should not be confused with the crontab command :-(. The former is the file in etc/crontab and is documented in man 5 crontab, if you are fortunate enough to have a desktop system which uses Vixie cron, as does ODDAS-Linux (most desktop systems DO use Vixie). The user command is also in ODDAS-Linxu and is documented by "man 1 crontab". The system crontab is now set up to run a script named /usr/lib/cron/run-crons, which runs the scripts in /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly} at that time interval. So without knowing any more about crontabs you can place your own scripts in there. Thus, I rate the chances of your having to change etc/crontab as low, but you will probably want to put something into the cron subdirectories. There are some scripts in the cron.daily subdirectory already, to clean up core files, clean the tmp directory, and to compress log files that have grown too large. b. etc/fstab - good chance that you will want to edit this This file is a standard UNIX file system table, as documented by "man 5 fstab". For development I mount the root file system using NFS, which reduces the turnaround time on changes to the system. The current fstab includes that line. For production, the root file system will either be on a compact flash memory (which mounts like an IDE drive), or an M-systems Disk on Chip (DOC). I have not yet used my DOC, but I will. You will probably want to edit this file for your hardware. The version now in the archive uses NFS mounting. c. etc/ftpusers - probably will not need to edit this This file describes the names of the users that may _*NOT*_ log into the system via the FTP server. This usually includes "root", "uucp", "news" and the like, because those users have too much power to be allowed to do FTP. You probably will not need to change this file. d. etc/group - should NOT edit by hand. This file lists UNIX groups, as documented in "man 5 group". Since your embedded system will be simple, you will probably not need any more than are already in here. If you do, use the "addgroup" or "delgroup" commands that come with ODDAS-Linux (it is a part of busybox). e. etc/host.conf - probably will not need to edit this The file /etc/host.conf contains configuration information specific to the resolver library. As long as your are happy to use a hosts file for your embedded system, you will not need to alter this. f. etc/hosts - you will need to change this This file describes the hosts on your network. It is now set up for the network in my house, so you will definitely need to change it. The numbers now in the file are from the set reserved for private networks, i.e., these numbers should never be on the Internet. Thus, you COULD use the same numbers for your machines, if you wish. g. etc/hosts.{allow,deny} - you will need to change this These files are used by tcpd to determine if hosts are allowed to access services. Currently only one host is allowed to access the embedded system, by desktop machine. You will need to change this to the name of YOUR desktop machine. This security method is vulnerable to address spoofing attacks, but it sure is small. Sigh. I'll be looking into putting ssh into ODDAS-Linux instead of FTP and Telnet, in the future. h. etc/inetd.conf - good chance that you will not change this The file is currently set up to allow access to the embedded system via FTP or Telnet, and to support http accesses as well. I suspect that most people will want to keep this functionality. i. etc/inittab - good chance that you will not change this This is an inittab using the format that the busybox init understands. It creates a single console, to save memory over the standard six consoles. You will probably want to leave this alone as well, maybe toss in a second console :-). On bootup, the script /sbin/init.d/rc is executed, on a three finger salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL) a shutdown script is executed. These you can probably leave alone as well, there are /sbin/init.d/halt.local and /sbin/init.d/rc.local scripts that you can modify. j. etc/modules.conf - you may want to change this Right now this is just here for future use. If you know all about modules and how to deal with them, change away. Otherwise, ignore. k. etc/motd - you may want to change this Perhaps you do not like my message of the day :-( l. etc/nsswitch.conf - you probably will not need to change this If you are happy to configure your embedded system with files then you will not need to change this. m. etc/passwd and etc/shadow - do not edit by hand Change these using adduser, deluser, or passwd commands. Initially, the root password is empty. Change that right away with the passwd command! n. etc/profile - you will probably need to change this. This is the default shell script run when a user logs in. There is some extra cruft in there now... o. etc/protocols - you will probably not want to change this. This file describes the various protocols that are available from the TCP/IP subsystem. It should be consulted instead of using the numbers in the ARPA include files, or, worse, just guessing them. p. etc/rc.config - you will need to change this This contains config information used by the bootup scripts. You will need to confirm at least the variables ROOT_FS_DEV, IP_ADDR, NETDEV_0, and HOSTNAME. q. etc/route.conf - you will probably want to change this This file contains your static routing information. I just route everything to my desktop system. Actually, maybe that will make you happy too! r. etc/securetty - probably will not want to change this This file lists the tty devices which root can use to log on. s. etc/services - probably will not want to change this This file lists a heap of available TCP/IP services. I think you will find any you need in there. t. etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf - you will need to change this The directory ssmtp contains the configuration file for the mail server on the embedded system, which is ssmtp. This server assumes that all mail is routed off the system. The documentation for this file is in the package tarballs/ssmtp-2.38.tar.gz, but if you do not want to get fancy there are probably enough comments in the file to allow you to set it up without consulting the documents. u. etc/syslog.conf - you will need to change this You will need to change this because I now have remote logging to my desktop machine enabled. Go in and change CX579290-B to the name of your desktop machine. If you do that, all messages will be logged in /var/log/messages on the embedded machine AND they will go to the logger on your desktop. If you are really tight on disk space, comment out the line sending messages to /var/log/messages. v. etc/termcap - you will probably not need to change this This contains the basic terminal types that you will probably want to use on the machine (or emulate on your desktop connected via network). 7) Build the system. You should now be able to go to the root of the ODDAS-Linux tree and execute the script build_oddas_linux. You will need to be logged on as root because the script copies device files, and on most systems you must be root to create new special files. 8) Build the kernel that you wish to use. There are just so many configuration options and different ways to use the Linux kernel that you will need to build your own here. I have included two example configuration files in this directory, aaeon.config and rpxlite.config, which I use for my two systems. These are the configurations that use NFS to mount root. 9) We have a bit of a branch here, depending upon how you want to boot your embedded system. I cover IDE hard drive or compact flash under 9a, NFS under 9b, and Disk on Chip under 9c. a. Use this step for booting off an IDE drive, or compact flash with the pins mapped to the IDE pins so that it looks like an IDE drive. Your hardware may already have the mapping or there is an adapter board available from http://www.tapr.org. For NFS mounted root, see 9b. i) You will need to attach a floppy drive to your target system as well as the hard drive. You will also need to obtain a rescue floppy, either one you have built or one off the net (you can always remove the floppy drive after ODDAS-Linux is installed). The rescue disk will need utilities such as mke2fs, fdisk, lilo, tar, gzip, etc. ii) Tar and gzip the root file system without the Linux kernel image. It should fit on one floppy. Place the kernel image on a second floppy. To see what goes into a typical kernel image for a PC/104 system, look at the file aaeon.disk.config in this directory. iii) Boot the target system using the rescue floppy. iv) Use fdisk to partition the hard drive and mke2fs to create a file system on it. Mount it under /mnt on your rescue system. v) Copy the compressed root system from the first floppy to /mnt and uncompress and untar it there. Create a new directory, /mnt/boot, then copy the kernel from the second floppy to /mnt/boot. vi) Doublecheck the file /mnt/etc/lilo.conf. vii) Run lilo with the command "/mnt/sbin/lilo -v -r /mnt". viii) Make sure all floppies are out of the drive and reboot. b. For mounting a remote root file system over NFS you must do the following: i) Hook up a standard floppy to your target system. I know, you will not want it on your production system, but it makes life easy during development. ii) Make sure that you have the device file nfsroot in the /dev directory of your oddas system. If not then use the command "mknod /dev/nfsroot b 0 255". iii) Compile the kernel with support for root over NFS. An example configuration file is located at aaeon.nfs.config. iv) Set the root file system of your kernel with the rdev command. For example, if you are using bzImage as the name of your kernel image, then the command would be "rdev bzImage /dev/nfsroot". v) Copy the kernel image to a floppy. You can just use the dd command: "dd if=bzImage of=/dev/fd0" vi) Insert the floppy into the drive connected to your target system and boot off it! More information is available at: http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/NFS-Root-3.html c. For booting from Disk on Chip I still have not gotten around to trying it, so you are on your own. HAVE A LOT OF FUN!